My Faith Goals

My Faith Goals

Resolutions, plans, maps, ideas. All these are going through my ever active think tank and I need to get them down on paper ( or online ) or else. Or else I won’t stop thinking about them!
Confession one, I don’t think I’ve ever made a list of resolutions for the new year ( or so I remember ). I guess I was afraid of not fulfilling them. Chicken me. Little me. I like listing things, I like planning, drawing maps was easy for me, ideas are bulb moments but resolutions? Nah, I never made them just because. Yep, I was afraid of falling flat on my face and not being strong enough to keep my promise. So, how come I am composing this blog post and attempting to list down my resolutions, my faith goals?
Confession two, I am in love. I am in love with my God that I would like to touch people’s lives and let them see that He is indeed true and not just a figment of my imagination. I am at that point in my life wherein I can unabashedly tell someone that I love him or her because God’s love is overflowing in me. And that I would like that person to feel that I honestly care about his or her life the way God cares for my life. Ah! I am in love.
Confession three, I still get confused. I still make mistakes ( lots actually ). I still feel inferior about some aspects of my life. I still am arrogant at times. But all these ” stills ” in my life, they become miniscule ” stills ” because my Director has given me faith, has given me hope and boy oh boy, has given me love! So, the life that I lived then, the life that I live now and the life that I will live, will be goal-driven. Mistakes will be there to taunt me. Challenges will be there to sharpen me. Triumph is just there, waiting for its perfect time to unmask itself.
Confession four, and this is a given, I will wait for the Lord, I will wait for the love of my life to unveil his true self to me. Yep, my faith goals, wrapped in hope and love.


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