

Blessings come in all forms and situations.
Life brings forth challenges, conquests that we ought to overcome.
Ending these is sweet victory.
Sometimes we’d win,
Sometimes we’d lose.
In the end,
Nothing matters but
God and His love alone.
Set us apart then for us to start anew.

YOU are a BLessing.


Productivity Crunch

Be forewarned. This is not a techie post. I am a nerd but not a tech geek. I am clueless about those IT terms that they simply make me go ” what was that term again?! ” 

All right, warning in place. Now for the title. I read about productivity in a lot of business books or articles or what nots and I ” get it, ” a bit. I understand that it’s a form of measuring how people or processes or technology perform within a given timeframe. I was in the BPO ( business process outsourcing ) industry for five years and they put a lot of weight on this. Oh, a lot! The seconds that would take you to finish something matters to them, them being the account managers or the operations team. They were a few who were more considerate and yep, humane enough to realize that their workers are after all, living, breathing creatures and not robots. Nuninuninuni… Even WALL-E ( from the Disney movie ) acted more like us than some of the management people. To give you an idea, there were some of our KPIs ( key performance indicators ):

AHT – average handling time ( number of minutes we’d talk to a customer to solve a problem or whatever issue they have )

CSAT – customer satisfaction ( often randomly automated surveys answered by customers.. oh, some,most of those excited their feedback were the irate / angry ones..uh-oh! )

ATTENDANCE – we have to be at the office / center.ALL THE TIME. 

and others I’ve forgotten.

Now, the crunch. I’ll try to define it.

crunch – when you need to do something so bad that it almost gives you a hyperventilation attack

I may sound too dramatic but yep. I experienced all those. Those, meaning the stress of crunching to be productive at work. 

Before the BPOs, I was with medium sized trading companies which involved importation and much hustling and bustling with a lot of people of different personalities. I survived. And I thrived in that environment. Sad to say that it was cut short by a mismanagement from the key people in the firm. 

Productivity crunch.

Staying at home for the last five years, being a hands on mother to four energetic and strong-willed kids, I have to say, I never rested. Productivity always mattered. More than the output I did when I was ” working. ” How so? Looking at these four now, while they’re quiet and asleep ( after endless bouts of arguments and whining and pointing fingers and…you get the picture right? ), I get to see myself from another perspective. I was not just a mom. I am a parent. A hardworking one at that. A loving one at that ( definition: loving-affectionate,disciplinarian,firm,funny and everything in between ). One day, when they get to read all my posts in this obscure blog, and they stumble on this one, they’d see how mommy loves them to pieces. That even when mommy would raise her voice to emphasize a point or just be plain mad, mommy loves them, yes, to pieces. 


My Blog, My Bliss

My Blog, My Bliss

I scheduled a date with the muse last night and I didn’t show up. Why? I was scared. Of what? Of not being able to ” perform, ” of not being able to put down good words on paper. Instead, I read and read other blogs, people I look up to because they have a voice I can hear, even if they articulate everything on paper. Blessing in disguise, reading these blogs because it gave me a sense of direction. What I have been missing by NOT EVEN TRYING TO WRITE, by procrastinating what I love doing.

No more. I will show up today and have a coffee date with the muse and let her inspire me, or guide me or dance with me while I click and type away thoughts I’ve been longing ( such a dramatic word for missing writing ) to express. Wait, I guess I’ve started the process. I’ve had a cup of coffee, I’m now clicking on the keyboard and I’m  now expressing what I want to do ( I’ll practice editing later ).

“They cannot NOT write.”

Credit goes to Jeff Goins, writer for that line. I cannot NOT write.

“My Blog, My Bliss.”

More posts, more writing. In the next few days. In the next few weeks. BLESSED LOUNGE.

Credit goes to Martine De Luna, Dainty Mom, for that line. I am blessed therefore I found my bliss.

Let go and LIVE!

Let go and LIVE!

I guess (well for now because of my mood) this will be one of the few posts that I am going to put up that would deal with hardships and trials and all other things designed to make life more colorful. There. Even my choice of word to describe an emotional event seems lighthearted to me. I like that, colorful instead of dreary. Yey. Yup! Yes! Now a moment to thank my Sponsors. Nope. I do not have paid ads. The Sponsors I’m referring to are the following (drumroll please!) :

God – simply because He is great and He loves me so

My mother – without her, ah! I would not even have the gadget I need to write my thoughts with (even the electricity I need to power this computer up)

My sis – biological and bonded ones. AD and ER, I love you sisters!

My kids – crazy and silly little and big ones, I simply love you all to pieces!

My mentors – writing, reading, blogging, entrepreneurship – guys, I am learning, learning a lot of things and values from you all!

My future – I guess, I am hoping for one. I guess I have to wait on this one though. Well I can wait, I know it will be worth it. 😉

Hey! Come to think of it and after going through this very short one, I did not even touch on one single trial. Well, what do you know, I am letting go and LIVING, a colorful one. THANK YOU ALL!


How to Get More Traffic

Realization..that people really do invest time when they comment. To the few (right now ) who’ve read some of my blog posts or left a comment, a big thank you! News

As soon as a blogger publishes their first post, their first question is: Where’s all my traffic? Everyone assumes they’re the only one seeking attention, when in truth nearly everyone is. It takes time to build an audience and no one gets much traffic without putting in the effort.

Here at we want you to get more traffic, and we build features and services to help. It’s been awhile since we’ve told you about them, so here are our top recommendations:

  1. Update your About Page. One of the first things visitors to your site will want to know is something about who you are. If you don’t update your About page to include a short bio, and they find a generic page instead,  they’ll be disappointed. But if you briefly explain (two paragraphs is plenty) what the blog is about, and who you are, they’ll be more likely…

View original post 755 more words


I suddenly remembered this song over the weekend when I was thinking ” Hhmm, what would make me smile again?” I specially like the green amphibian’s interpretation (yes folks, Kermit the Frog). Here are the lyrics and I’m hoping it will make you smile just like it made me.

-Rainbow Connection-

Why are there so many songs about rainbows
and what’s on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
and rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they’re wrong, wait and see.
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

Who said that every wish would be heard
and answered when wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that and someone believed it.
Look what it’s done so far.
What’s so amazing that keeps us star gazing
and what do we think we might see?
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.

All of us under its spell. We know that it’s probably magic.

Have you been half asleep and have you heard voices?
I’ve heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that called the young sailors.
The voice might be one and the same.
I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it.
It’s something that I’m supposed to be.
Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection.
The lovers, the dreamers and me.Image

I know, there’s no rainbow in the picture but that’s just the magic of it. I saw a rainbow on my way home(from this literally cool place in the south) and it was there when I least expected it to be there. See, inspiration can just spring up from anywhere, anytime because somebody greater is looking after all of us (I guess you know who that is, yes folks, our God). 

Yey! my first blog and here’s to more…from my mind and heart. 🙂